My job is great.
My family is good.
My new apartment is wonderful.
My friends are the best ones Charlotte has ever given me.
My part time job serving with a catering company at weddings is loads of fun.
My music is coming along better than ever before.
My relationship with God is growing in new ways.
I have no justifiable reason to be unsatisfied.
But I am.
My heart is discontent.
I need change. Serious change. I need to see the things I have been promised come to life.
I am tired of waiting.
I take my complaints to God, I remind Him of His promises.
He says, "Wait".
I find my frustrations holding hands with the truth that God will fulfil His promises.
I keep in the forefront of my mind that He wants the these promises to unfold even more than I do.
Still, I am frustrated. And guess what? God told me it's ok to be frustrated. He would rather me be discontent and ready while in the waiting room then comfortable and passive.