Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The truth.

A note from an unknown stranger.

"I'm going to admit something that I never admit.
I am scared. I am afraid. I am weak.
I hate where I am in life.
I hate some of the habits I have picked up.
I don't know how to change.
I'm afraid of being alone, of being rejected, so I push people away.
I clam up. I shut down.
My past waves a stop sign in front of my present.
It's just like a child who, once they have experienced a burn from a stove top never goes near it again with out extreme caution. The child always pulls back before he gets too close. Never willing to risk that pain again.
I know that I am too sensitive.
I know that relationships can not be formed without elements of hurt. That is the risk we take as human beings interacting with other human beings.
I know it is the price we must pay.
I want to take this chance, while I'm being honest, to tell you that I want to try, but my past has left me with deep scars. Some are from more recent attempts, some date back to the time that I was six years old. But that is besides the point.
What I am trying to say is, I do sincerely want to get over this fear, but as I said in the beginning of this note, I am weak.
In fact, the reason I am writing this is so that you know I am trying. My weakness tends to cause many failed attempts. Often, people don't even see that I am trying. Often, they accuse me of not wanting to open with them. But this is rarely the case, they just don't recognise all the times that I tried and failed.
So, here's to you, my new attempt. My new start. My new day. Good-morning." - J.A.S.

1 comment:

Smells Like Apples said...

There's always something to appreciate in unfiltered honesty and new beginnings. Even if it's not fully understood.