Tuesday, 21 April 2009

"This is easy as lovers go, so don't complicate it by hesitating."

I've been on a serious Dashboard confessional kick lately. (Don't judge me.) I can't seem to get away from the whiny emotional dramatic pull that their lyrics have. It sucks me in and feeds something inside my soul. I think I envy the freedom of being able to express the feelings about relationships that swarm inside me. The ability to craft lyrics that capture what everyone feels, but no one says. Everyone has frustrations and annoyances about relationships (or lack there of) with the opposite sex. It is a part of being human. But we never step up and say what is going on inside.

We hesitate. We wait. In some cases.. these can be good things. But in most cases, speaking your mind in genuine honesty is priceless. Instead, we glance crookedly at each other from across the room hoping the object of our thoughts will see while also dreading that they will see. Does this not feel a little jr. high-ish? Sometimes I think it would be so much easier just to go back to passing notes that say "I like you, do you like me?" Check yes or no. If the feeling is not mutual, no big deal, lets just not waste time hanging out in the unknown. Lets be straight forward about what we are thinking and feeling.

"I'll be true, I'll be useful
I'll be cavalier, I'll be yours, my dear
And I'll belong to you
If you'll just let me through
This is easy, as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful, as loving goes

This is tailor-made, what's the sense in waiting" - As Lovers go Dashboard Confessional.

1 comment:

Smells Like Apples said...

Once, as a college freshman, I made a best friend by resorting to sixth grade tactics and writing a note requesting a study partner. We traded notes, cookies and a bit of life.

The thing about honesty is that it only works with people who are willing to be honest with themselves and in return to your honesty. I find this unfortunate and more true than I would prefer.