"Lets get lost, me and you, an ocean and a rock is nothing to me."
Sunday, 6 December 2009
The latest assurance.
"Lets get lost, me and you, an ocean and a rock is nothing to me."
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Quote of the month
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Strict Joy.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
My job is great.
My family is good.
My new apartment is wonderful.
My friends are the best ones Charlotte has ever given me.
My part time job serving with a catering company at weddings is loads of fun.
My music is coming along better than ever before.
My relationship with God is growing in new ways.
I have no justifiable reason to be unsatisfied.
But I am.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
You're not what I need - I'm not what you need, so it works out well.
I like to check up on you from time to time.
Not because I miss "us", but occasionally I miss "you".

Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Waiting on the Vision
"What's God going to say to my questions? I'm braced for the worst. I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon. I'll wait to see what God says, how he'll answer my complaint. Full of Self, but Soul-Empty and then God answered: "Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. It aches for the coming - it can hardly wait! And it doesn't lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It's on its way. It will come right on time."
Habakkuk 2:1 - 3 - The Message version

"These things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled."
Monday, 24 August 2009
I want what I don't want and don't know what it is that I do want.
Ultimately, I know who I am, where I am going and what I want. It's just the little things at times seem to conflict.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
The truth.
Oh, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free.
I will not chose the path of comfort no matter how tempting it may be at times. Ultimately, comfort in anything but Him would murder my spirit and the fire that burns through my being. I am too addicted to Him now, in too deep, too dependant. Besides, I’m not even able to be myself when caged (It’s not a pleasant experience for me or the people subject to being around me). I must run wild, a fire blazing through the hills.
The difficulty comes when I am in a familiar place, and it is to this cage of familiarity that you have called me to be in right now. I feel trapped, locked up like an artist with her hands tied behind her back. Unable to release what is burning inside her, unable to be who she was born to be. It’s when I’m not around the familiar that I can feel You under my wings. That is when I can soar. That is when the eagle takes flight. One day perhaps I shall learn to be myself around the familiar but even Jesus went away from His home, away from His family and familiarity to be in ministry. But then again, he didn’t even begin his full ministry until he was 30
“Soar eagle, heal my people! Don’t look back!” – Prophetic word I received in my 2nd year at MSM.
"Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,
silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,
with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,
let me forget about today until tomorrow."
- Bob Dylan, Mr. Tambourine Man
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
"We all try hard to live our lives in harmony for fear of falling swiftly overboard but life is both a major and minor key just open up the chord."
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
"No use in saying how I'm sorry, so I'm trying not to speak. I'll sing in silence, lay beside you with my face there on your cheek."
Saturday, 25 April 2009
grandfathers garden, mud caked hands, bluegrass, sun and cold beer = the best spring day
Friday, 24 April 2009
"Honey I'm a price, you're a catch and we're a perfect match."
...being twenty-three years old,
knowing who the perfect guy for you is,
and knowing that he has no clue.
Guess I'll wait here...
trusting... that some day he'll open his eyes.
Once perfection blurs your vision,
even if they are within reach.
i'm not that naive,
Thursday, 23 April 2009
24, September -- it's everywhere.

I don't remember one jump or one leap
Just quiet steps away from your lead" - Reasons why, Nickel Creek
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
22, April ----- work.
The sun is calling to me. The blue sky is beckoning. These four walls hold no entertainment, no enjoyment, nothing to entice the imagination.
Thoughts of books, bike riding, long walks, ice cream, cigarettes, naps in the sun, guitar playing, song writing, singing and enjoying a beer on the balcony are crowding my mind leaving no room for this repetitive cycle.

"Then this bird just flew away, she was never meant to stay. To keep her caged would just delay the spring." - Travis, the cage.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
"This is easy as lovers go, so don't complicate it by hesitating."
We hesitate. We wait. In some cases.. these can be good things. But in most cases, speaking your mind in genuine honesty is priceless. Instead, we glance crookedly at each other from across the room hoping the object of our thoughts will see while also dreading that they will see. Does this not feel a little jr. high-ish? Sometimes I think it would be so much easier just to go back to passing notes that say "I like you, do you like me?" Check yes or no. If the feeling is not mutual, no big deal, lets just not waste time hanging out in the unknown. Lets be straight forward about what we are thinking and feeling.

"I'll be true, I'll be useful
I'll be cavalier, I'll be yours, my dear
And I'll belong to you
If you'll just let me through
This is easy, as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful, as loving goes
This is tailor-made, what's the sense in waiting" - As Lovers go Dashboard Confessional.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
oh summer.. oh the heat... oh how I wish for a cool breeze.
Basking in the summer sun
We seem to have skipped spring again this year
Dreaming of what you would say if you saw me in my blue dress
Wondering if you’d sit with me a while
Dogwood in full bloom overhead
Pollen falling like snow, dusting the ground around me
Birds singing at full volume, filling my heart with childlike wishes
Remembering being young, chasing caterpillars around the backyard
Sweet iced tea sweating from its glass on the blanket beside me
Picturing the swing in grandpa’s yard, how high I would soar
Tree house, built for my uncle, falling down now
Desiring any body of water to bring relief to the heat
Lightening bugs light our path
Girls protest as boys try to capture the mystical creatures in mason jars
Neighbors shouting threatening to call the cops to quiet us down
Sitting on the back deck watching Nannie dance her blues away
Bluegrass playing loudly, cold miller lite in hand
Clogging shoes tap in rhythm as sister joins in
The grill is ready now, throw dinner on, the men are hungry
Father and son pull out the guitars
Familiar melody fills the air
We clap along in perfect timing
This is summer. This is the south.

"Summer comes, yeah, as loud as hope and takes your breath away"
-Loud as hope, Iron & Wine
Thursday, 19 March 2009
oh Joe...
Newest Album...
Sunday, 8 March 2009
oh how it never seems to change
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Today, I felt carefree.
I wonder what happened to the child in me?
Friday, 27 February 2009
I close my eyes and He takes me away
To the place that captivates and holds my plans
Dormant once this soul did lay
Desire is pulsing through my veins
Skin cannot long contain that which burns
... Destiny
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Can't You see?? Surely You do! The need is now.
Haven't I had enough advance training? Can't I get some hands on experience.
Can't I learn during the process?
My spirit is yearning! Surely, that is You in me?
Why must I wait.. how much longer will I have to tell my heart to be still?
I feel I am going to explode. I want to pour buckets of Your love out.
Please, do what must be done in me quickly.
I want to get on a plane with You - only You. I don't have to have the finances, I don't have to have all my ducks in a row. You are bigger than all that.
I'm tired of looking longingly at every plane that I hear fly by.
Let's go. Scotland is waiting. Please?
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
thoughts on today, the twenty-fifth of February
I hope he is brave and chooses rise to the occasion.
I've given him the lead.
It could be something good.
What will he choose?
I hate not having control over situations. However, I have learned that when I take a step back, forfeiting my opportunities to control things, it ends up being pretty pleasant. Its the times that I step in and make something happen that I end up getting crushed. Injuring my hopes and sending my faith plummeting.
Maybe I have learned something from all the times I've stepped in and taken control. Maybe I am beginning to see. Right now, what I know is that at my time and place in life, this means too much to me to step in and try to force something.
" I want to know it all but i'm giving you the lead . . .So go on, go on and take it, don't fake it," - Gray or blue, Jaymay
Monday, 23 February 2009
"Now is the season for you and me"
For years I have been singing that phrase. "Now is the season for you and me". Only now does it actually feel true, current, real. Not that it hasn't always been about me and Him, but now its different. It is only, about me and Him. In the past it has been me and Him, doing something.
We have always been working towards a goal, serving people, ministering, going to class. He always clearly communicates with about what is next, where we are going, what the future will look like so that I have something to focus on.
But now, its nothing. My very life is about me and Him. He is the only thing I have going on my life. I have friends, yes but I don't and could never live for my relationships. My friends are great, but they will never bring me the kind of life I crave. The kind of life I have with Him. I have just never been in a situation where He was all. My relationship with him began when I was a teenager. So all through high-school my focus was him, high-school and working towards figuring out what to do after high-school. I graduated and knew what my plans were, Scotland, missions, YWAM. I worked for a year saving money with a goal of leaving the country. So, I had Him, work and my goal. After YWAM, I had ministry school so for two years it was Him, work and school. Now, I have graduated ministry school and for the past 8 months it has just been me and Him. I haven't known what to do with myself, much less my time. I just worked. Out of frustration I began separating myself from Him, my one and only point of life. I delved into all kinds of things that before, would have been the last point of interest to me.
It is only now that I am beginning to see that this time, this season isn't punishment for having done something wrong or because I 'missed the boat', it is a gift.
Finally, it is the season for Him and I alone. I don't have to worry, think about or plan for my calling, my future, ect. I can just enjoying being with Him until He opens to doors for my next season. In fact, I do believe this is how is was always meant to be. I couldn't see it until He stripped everything but Himself from my daily life. I first I felt lost without having a goal, a task, a point to waking up everyday. Now, I am seeing that He is the only reason for everyday. All the other stuff, my calling, Scotland, missions, friends ect. are all 2nd.
It's a simple thing I know, I should have learned this a long time ago. But I am hardheaded. It took God removing all things that I could control (or try to control) out of the picture, in order for me to see the real picture.
My life does not exist for my calling. My life does not exist for my passions. My life does not exist so that I can 'do' things. My life exist so that I can be with Him. My life exist for love.
So now, for the first time in my life "Now is the season for You and me."
"Throw your head back girl and laugh one more time. Now is the reason for me and you."
... Song, 'In love at 19' by Mark Mathis ( www.myspace.com/markmathis )
Sunday, 22 February 2009
How old is too old?
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Thursday, 12 February 2009
One day...
Should such a deep bond be formed, it is said you have found your “Anam Cara” or soul friend.
Your “Anam Cara” always accepts you as you truly are, holding you in beauty and light. In order to appreciate this relationship, you must first recognize your own inner light and beauty. This is not always easy to do. The Celts believed that forming an “Anam Cara” friendship would help you to awaken your awareness of your own nature and experience the joys of others.
The “Anam Cara” was originally someone to whom you confessed, revealing the hidden intimacies of your life. With the “Anam Cara”, you could share your innermost self, your mind and your heart. This friendship was an act of recognition and belonging. When you had an “Anam Cara”, your friendship cut across all convention, morality and category. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with the “friend of your soul”. The Celtic understanding did not set limitations of space or time on the soul. There is no cage for the soul. The soul is a divine light that flows into you and into your Other.
This art of belonging awakened and fostered a deep and special companionship. When you love, you open your life to an Other. All your barriers are down. Your protective distances collapse. This person is given absolute permission to come into the deepest temple of your spirit. Your presence and life can become their ground. It takes great courage to let someone so close. Where a friendship recognizes itself as a gift, it will remain open to its own ground of blessing….. When you are blessed with an “Anam Cara”, the Irish believe, you have arrived at that most sacred place: home. This bond between friends is indissoluble: “This, I say, is what is broken by no chances, what no interval of time or space can sever or destroy, and what even death itself cannot part”.
~ from “Anam Cara…Wisdom from the Celtic World“, by John O’Donohue
I can only hope to one day be so blessed.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
I annoy myself
Friday, 6 February 2009

Thursday, 29 January 2009
So this is goodbye...
Time is here and now...
I'm pushing forward.
I'm returning.
Goodbye cold.
Hello warmth.
The clock tower is sounding, rushing me into what I wanted all along, but feared to embrace.
Hi, I've missed you.

"Then this bird just fly away, she was never meant to stay, to keep her caged would just delay the spring." - The Cage, Travis